Британець Джош Коомбес вже другий рік робить добро за просто так.
Хлопець за професією перукар і у 2015-му вирішив, що може стригти не лише клієнтів, але й безхатченків. Звісно з останніх він не бере плату. Він також робить це не лише у рідній Великій Британії, але й під час подорожей.
This is Janusz, 65 years old. He migrated to New York City from a small town outside of Kraków, Poland with his mother when we was a teenager. Janusz has been homeless for the last four years. Initially quite shy, he watched on from a bench nearby as I was cutting hair for another person. We tried to bring him into the conversation and he slowly started to open up. Janusz asked if he could be next in line for a haircut. However, as I was finishing up and ready to call him over, I noticed he had walked away to leave the park. I asked @valeriejardin to catch up and see what had happened. A few minutes later, they returned and Janusz told me quietly that he was embarrassed about his hair being dirty... I reassured him that by the time we were finished he'd be feeling fresh and that this was not a problem for me. During the haircut, as conversation progressed, I saw a change in this man. Evidently more confident and relaxed. There are so many ways to provide that feeling. I've seen just how high you can lift somebody when you treat them with dignity. Janusz has worked his whole life, it's only in recent years that things took a turn. He grew up on a family farm in post-war Poland, working longer days than most of us had to as a child. When you next see someone sat on a park bench looking scruffy, remember to hit the rewind button before you judge. #DoSomethingForNothing
Публикация от Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes) Сен 19 2017 в 1:34 PDT
Лише на перукарській справі Джош не зупинився і заснував більш масштабну кампанію, яку назвав #DoSomethingForNothing (#ЗробиЩосьПростоТак), пише The Independent.
"Я не хотів, щоб це просто було про мене і стрижку волосся. Отже, я придумав хештег, бо завжди хотів, щоб інші люди залучалися до благодійності", – пояснює хлопець.
[L] До ініціативи Коомбеса долучилося багато людей, однак найпродуктивнішою була співпраця з ветеринаром Джейд Штатт.
Він та його співробітники зі служби Street Vet надають допомогу бездомним тваринам.
Дует Джоша та Джейда дає іншим зрозуміти, наскільки важливим є безпечне та чисте місце для життя.
Коомбеса пише про своїх підопічних пости, щоб розвінчувати стигму, яка існує щодо безпритульних, і закликає інших спілкуватися з ними та демонструвати дрібні доброти, навіть якщо це будуть просто привітання.
This is Jewel, 32 years old, born in Colorado, homeless in Santa Monica, LA with her boyfriend Ray. Jewel was the first person who's hair I cut on this trip, her smile was hard to miss. Ray and her made their way here from New Mexico recently and are trying to find their feet in a new place. They met on the street and both told me how much their lives changed when they met each other. You could feel how connected they are immediately. Jewel had been cutting her own hair for the last couple of years so was happy for me to try and even things up a bit. She spoke to me about some of her life and a bit of her journey - "I was homeless from quite an early age. My mom couldn't afford her place in Colorado anymore so she took us out on the road. We didn't stop for years. Most of time staying out in the van. But we were on the street for a while also, those memories aren't so nice. There was things she had to do sometimes to keep us alive. I ended up going to school for a while in Arizona. That was probably the most stability we had for a time. I asked Jewel if she still sees her mom but she didn't want to talk about it much - "I had to make my own way. Meeting Ray changed everything, we've got each other now." I spent the whole afternoon with Jewel, Ray and another older man who's story I posted, named Kevin. I feel really lucky to have met them, we all laughed so much together that day. #DoSomethingForNothing
Публикация от Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes) Авг 6 2017 в 1:27 PDT