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Instagram дня: Ілюстраторка з Індії створила абетку психічних розладів

18 вересня 2017, 16:13

Індійська ілюстраторка Сонакша Айенгар (Sonaksha Iyengar) створила абетку, у якій на кожну літеру знайшла назву психічного розладу, описала його симптоми та намалювала оригінальні ілюстрації до них.

[L]Свої роботи художниця виклала в Instagram, назвавши їх "A to Z mental health".

На літеру "А" Сонакша обрала слово Anxiety ("Тривожність") , яка "з'являється у яскравих кольорах".

A post shared by Sonaksha Iyengar (@sonaksha) on Feb 21, 2017 at 8:22am PST

Другу літеру англійського алфавіту "В", ілюстраторка описала поняттям Bipolar disorder ("Біполярний розлад").

A post shared by Sonaksha Iyengar (@sonaksha) on Feb 22, 2017 at 7:34am PST

На наступну, "С" – Cotard ("Синдром Котара", що поєднує депресію та деперсоналізацію людини).


A post shared by Sonaksha Iyengar (@sonaksha) on Feb 23, 2017 at 7:40am PST

Далі в абетці Сонакші Айенгар ідеться про деперсоналізацію, порушення харчової поведінки, безсоння, клептоманію, амнезію, сонливість, обсесивно-компульсивний синдром та інші розлади.

We typically go through 4 stages of sleep each night, one of them is REM sleep that is said to occur after 90 minutes of sleeping. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is when you typically wander deep into dreams and where the emotional memory gets processed. Shallow breathing, rapid eye movements, and a rise in heart rate are characteristic to this stage. So if you don’t get your REM sleep over a long period, you tend to accumulate distress. People who struggle with REM sleep behaviour disorder tend to act out their dreams - twitching, sleep walking often coupled with sounds and sudden movements. Usually said to occur in combination with other sleep disorders. #atozofmentalhealth - - - - - #365daysofart #drawingaday #36daysoftype @36daysoftype #36days_R #36daysoftype04 #mentalhealth #art #typography #sleep #night #rem #goodnight #rbd #insomnia #watercolor #igart #sketchbook #digitalart #illustration #selflove #moon #endthestigma #brain #invisibleillness #mentalhealthawareness

A post shared by Sonaksha Iyengar (@sonaksha) on Mar 10, 2017 at 9:23am PST

We all worry, before an exam, before an interview, before moving out. While worrying can help us to an extent to be prepared for uncertainties and find solutions, sometimes they just spiral in an unhealthy manner and become a toxic shield. So it's important to find techniques to keep our worrying in check. But it isn't the same for everyone, some people involuntarily worry about everything. Sometimes these things don’t even pose threats, but they feel chronically anxious about it. Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) doesn’t come with a warning sign. It drains them out, leaving them exhausted, restless and irritable. But the solution isn’t to tell them, “Don’t worry, be happy.” If they could, they would. It’s important to seek professional support and also be supportive by being patient, rather than rushing them to stop. #atozofmentalhealth - - - - - #365daysofart #drawingaday #36daysoftype @36daysoftype #36days_V #36daysoftype04 #mentalhealth #art #typography #worry #anxiety #gad #watercolor #igart #sketchbook #digitalart #illustration #selflove #endthestigma #brain #invisibleillness #mentalhealthawareness #pain

A post shared by Sonaksha Iyengar (@sonaksha) on Mar 15, 2017 at 10:34am PDT

I chose x to talk about women and mental health because it is time to have a conversation about the many terms we’ve often heard but associate with only being something biological, as also being psychological. It’s important to realise that premenstrual disorders, menopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis and pregnancy can take a toll on women’s mental health. Women are also more prone to depression, anxiety and ptsd among other mental disorders. I’m NOT saying that others do not face mental health issues, but I think a large part of the mental health discourse in the past did not take this into consideration and I hope we can further our research in this sphere. Psst...it’s also time to stop those PMS jokes, not funny. Edit: I did not and do not intend to reduce a woman to her uterus. I strongly believe that anyone who identifies as a woman, is one. #atozofmentalhealth - - - - - #365daysofart #drawingaday #36daysoftype @36daysoftype #36days_X #36daysoftype04 #mentalhealth #art #typography #pcos #pcod #anxiety #endometriosis #women #watercolor #igart #sketchbook #digitalart #illustration #selflove #endthestigma #invisibleillness #mentalhealthawareness

A post shared by Sonaksha Iyengar (@sonaksha) on Mar 16, 2017 at 10:24am PDT


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